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    Breathless Angel - All Taped Up Hd

    Clip Description

    Well, it had been a long while since dem and angel had done a tape *********** video. So, why not do another one? Well, as it turns out, with the new added space available in the bonus room, it seemed perfect timing.

    unfortunately, the bonus room gets pretty warm during the summer time, so tape doesn't stick quite as well as dem would like.

    no problem... Just add more tape... And a gasmask rebreather...

    Clip Duration:      29 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv218.4 MB

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    Breathless Angel - All Taped Up Hd

    Breathless Angel - All Taped Up Hd

    Breathless Angel - All Taped Up Hd

    Breathless Angel - All Taped Up Hd

    Breathless Angel - All Taped Up Hd

    Breathless Angel - All Taped Up Hd
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everything was going as planned, until dem decided to do a little fucking around, and might have intentionally not noticed her safe-word/safe sign right away, as well as done the big no-no of performing a little hom over the bag while angel was occupied with finding air...

thank goodness there was multiple bags being used, so she had a break now and then... Kinda...

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angel starts out gagged and a latex mask is placed over her face, keeping the tape gag in place. A little ********** with some nose plugging heightens the game before he decides to take out the pigtails and slap on the vac hood. Figuring that isn't the  he really wantes her to go through, dem throws on the gasmask with a hose that connects to a water rebreather. It takes a while to get the kinks out with a new mask hooked up, but once dem gets it all figured out, angel really starts finding out how hoard it is to breathe. Finally, dem hooks up the 5l latex rebreather bag, and angel begins to drift off. A few tight closeups of angel lead to her eventual passing out in the mask. Dem steps back and enjoys his work, before letting the audience know that it's time to **** her up, and angel looks like she just **** up from a nice long nap.

save 15.00 by buying this clip versus all 5 individual clips!

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over 80 minutes of breathlessness and orgasms. You can't go wrong.

    Coffee Table Tape - Now here’s something you don’t get to see everyday, angel tied to a table. Although, she gets sassier and sassier every moment, the table gets the best of her, and she learns that sometimes, tape isn’t your friend when trying to breathe!

it's a little spendy, but for 27 minutes of quality ********** that's real, you won't find a better deal anywhere on the internet.

you will save yourself 11.00 purchasing this instead of all 5 seperate clips.

    Angels Live  Marathon Full - Over an hour and a half of full-on angel!!!

angels full recording of her now famous ********** marathon back on 22 january 2011! The show was a hit, but for those of you that haven't yet seen it, here it is! 

almost every type of ********** was used in this session, bags, latex sheets, gasmasks, hom, , gags, rebreathers, vac hoods . . . This has it all!

save over 25.00 from buying each session part seperately!

this file is almost 1.5 gigs, so please be patient while downloading!

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